best laparoscopic surgery hospital in chengalpattu - Tamil Nadu - Health services, beauty services, Tamil Nadu - 3111433


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best laparoscopic surgery hospital in chengalpattu - Health services, beauty services

Ref. number: 3111433 Updated: 29-08-2023 10:50

Offering: Health services, beauty services in India, Tamil Nadu

Laparoscopy or minmally invasive surgery is a type of surgery that allows the surgeon to get inside the abdomen (abdomen) and pelvis without having to make large incisions in the skin. The surgeons use a device called laparoscope , which has a light source and a camera that transmits images from the abdomen or pelvis to a television screen. With the help of a laparoscope , surgeons can do minimal access surgery by making a small hole using some specialized instruments. Call Us: +91 9100096000 Email US: For More Details Visit:

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First name: saihospital
Last name: chengalpattu
Phone number: +91 9100096000
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