Learn French with talented professors who have lived in France - Tamil Nadu - Education, training, lessons, Tamil Nadu - 2926121


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Learn French with talented professors who have lived in France - Education, training, lessons

Ref. number: 2926121 Updated: 21-11-2020 21:28

Offering: Education, training, lessons in India, Tamil Nadu

Classes available in presential as well has in distance. In week-days: Tuition for the 1st std to 6th std = 300 Rs per hour Tuition for the 6th std to 12th std = 500 Rs per hour Language classes = 1000 Rs per hour In week-ends: Tuition for the 1st std to 6th std = 500 Rs per hour Tuition for the 6th std to 12th std = 800 Rs per hour Language classes = 1300 Rs per hour For more details contact: 9894184397 or 04132240442

Contact information
First name: sayilashmy
Phone number: 04132240442
Mobile number: 9894184397
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