Acoustic Doors | Soundproof interior Doors - Tamil Nadu - Other services, Tamil Nadu - 2893283


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Acoustic Doors | Soundproof interior Doors - Other services

Ref. number: 2893283 Updated: 28-07-2020 10:57

Offering: Other services in India, Tamil Nadu

We are the leading acoustic products manufacturer in India providing a wide range of acoustic doors, acoustic walls, absorbers, diffusers and other customized acoustical solutions.The Studio 3D soundproof doors are ideal for recording studios, offices, band rooms, hotels, dorm rooms, conference rooms or any application where a soundproof interior door is required. The soundproofing doors come standard in oak, ready to stain with silver hardware. Custom finishes and hardware options are available for this door sound insulation product.

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First name: acoustical
Last name: surfaces
Mobile number: 9449777212
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