Risk Assessment Course in India - Tamil Nadu - Education, training, lessons, Tamil Nadu - 2766496


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Risk Assessment Course in India - Education, training, lessons

Ref. number: 2766496 Updated: 30-03-2019 10:44

Offering: Education, training, lessons in India, Tamil Nadu

Willing to accomplish systematic examination of Health & Safety in the workplace? Perform Risk Assessment to Identify, Analyze and Evaluate the risk associated Hazards. Based on the Probability and Severity of the Hazards, the effective control measures should be provided to each Hazard. The control Measures will be selected according to hierarchy, which emphasize Engineering Solutions (include Elimination or Substitution), Safe Work Practices, Administrative Controls and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Risk Assessment also ensures the Management to comply with the Health and Safety Legal Requirements.

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First name: nist
Last name: 123
Phone number: 8106085893
Mobile number: 8106085893
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