sri ramachandra medical college mbbs admission 2016 - Tamil Nadu - Education, training, lessons, Tamil Nadu - 2201963


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sri ramachandra medical college mbbs admission 2016 - Education, training, lessons

Ref. number: 2201963 Updated: 23-03-2016 10:43

Offering: Education, training, lessons in India, Tamil Nadu

About College Sri Ramachandra Medical College and Research Institute was established in the year 1985 with annual intake of 250 students and runs by Sri Ramachandra Educational and Health Trust. Sri Ramachandra Medical College and Research Institute, Chennai is affiliated to Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai. College admission is based on common medical entrance test and other factors governed by Medical Council of India (MCI), State and Central Governments. COURSES IN SRI RAMACHANDRA MEDICAL COLLEGE: 1 Diploma in Public Health ( 3 Permitted ) 2 DM - Cardiology ( 3 Recognized ) 3 DM - Critical Care Medicine ( 2 Permitted ) 4 DM - Gastroenterology ( 3 Recognized ) 5 DM - Neonatology ( 1 Permitted ) 6 DM - Nephrology ( 3 Recognized ) 7 DM - Neuro Radiology ( 1 Permitted ) 8 DM - Neurology ( 3 Recognized ) 9 DM - Reproductive Medicine ( 2 Recognized ) 10 M.B.B.S. ( 250 Recognized ) 11 M.Ch - Cardio Thoracic Surgery ( 2 Recognized ) 12 M.Ch - Neuro Surgery ( 3 Recognized ) 13 M.Ch - Paediatric Surgery ( 1 Recognized ) 14 M.Ch - Plastic Surgery ( 2 Recognized ) 15 M.Ch - Surgical Gastroenterology/G.I. Surgery ( 2 Recognized ) 16 M.Ch - Urology/Genito-Urinary Surgery ( 3 Recognized ) 17 M.Ch - Vascular Surgery ( 1 Permitted ) 18 MD - Anaesthesiology ( 12 Recognized ) 19 MD - Bio-Chemistry ( 4 Recognized ) 20 MD - Dermatology , Venereology & Leprosy ( 6 Recognized ) 21 MD - Emergency Medicine ( 2 Permitted ) 22 MD - Forensic Medicine/Forensic Medicine & Toxicology ( 2 Recognized ) 23 MD - General Medicine ( 12 Recognized ) 24 MD - Immuno Haematology & Blood Transfusion ( 2 Recognized ) 25 MD - Microbiology ( 6 Recognized ) 26 MD - Paediatrics ( 12 Recognized ) 27 MD - Pathology ( 10 Recognized ) 28 MD - Pharmacology ( 4 Recognized ) 29 MD - Physiology ( 5 Recognized ) 30 MD - Psychiatry ( 2 Recognized ) 31 MD - Radio Diagnosis/Radiology ( 12 Recognized ) 32 MD - Community Medicine ( 4 Recognized ) 33 MD - Sports Medicine ( 2 Recognized ) 34 MD - Pulmonary Medicine ( 3 Recognized ) 35 MD/MS - Anatomy ( 6 Recognized ) 36 MD/MS - Obstetrtics & Gynaecology ( 16 Recognized ) 37 MD/MS - Ophthalmology ( 6 Recognized ) 38 MS - ENT ( 6 Recognized ) 39 MS - General Surgery ( 16 Recognized ) 40 MS - Orthopaedics ( 18 Recognized ) UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION NOTIFICATION Applications are invited from eligible candidates for admission to the following courses for the academic year 2016-17:- Group A) Sri Ramachandra Medical College and Research Institute Eligibility: H.S.C. (+2) or equivalent qualification with English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology (or Botany & Zoology)/ Biotechnology with marks as prescribed by the MCI. Group B) Sri Ramachandra Dental College and Hospital Eligibility: H.S.C.(+2) or equivalent qualification with English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology (or Botany & Zoology) with marks as prescribed by the DCI. Group C) 1. Pharm. 0 (Doctor of Pharmacy) 2. B.Pharmacy 3. BASLP 4. B.Sc. Nursing Eligibility: H.S.C.(+2) or equivalent qualification with subjects and marks as prescribed by the respective councils. Selection will be made on merit, based on the marks secured in the Entrance Examination conducted by this University on all India basis. Prospectus and Application Forms are available only in the website: Download of application form Available from website Last date for receipt of filled in application forms Group-A: MBBS 14.03.2016 30.04.2016 Group-B: BDS 14.03.2016 30.04.2016 Group-C: Courses 21.03.2016 14.05.2016 Application fee of Rs.500/- ( by DD drawn in favour of Sri Ramachandra University, payable at Chennai) to be enclosed along with application form. DATE OF ENTRANCE EXAMINATION: Groups Date of Entrance Exam Time Entrance Exam Centres Group -A:MBBS 22.05.2016(Sunday) 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. BENGALURU, CHENNAI, DELHI, KOLKATA & PUNE Group - B:BDS 22.05.2016(Sunday) 2.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. BENGALURU, CHENNAI, DELHI, KOLKATA & PUNE Group - C:Courses 29.05.2016 (Sunday) 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sri Ramachandra University, Porur, Chennai-116 Our Services In management quota admission. 1. Arranging Appointment with the respective chairman/Administrative officer and student. 2. Providing admission with the discount of min 20 % of total cost. 3. Quick and transparent admission process (max 2 hours). 4. Guarantee refund from the colleges if student get placed in Merit. 5. No recommendation. 6. Admission process will be done only in authorized college campus. 7. Best low cost all over Tamilnadu. 8. Min service charge 9. Based on your qualification, budget, and location preference our consultants will work t

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