Brainekids preschool and Daycare center - Tamil Nadu - Education, training, lessons, Tamil Nadu - 1916420


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Brainekids preschool and Daycare center - Education, training, lessons

Ref. number: 1916420 Updated: 19-02-2015 10:00

Offering: Education, training, lessons in India, Tamil Nadu

Brain-e-kids preschool offers Play group, Nursery, L.K.G, U.K.G and Day care For Age from 1.6 to 12 yrs. Our curriculum based on CONSTRUCTIVIST approach where more focus goes on Experimental and practical learning. Technology Enabled learning plays an important role here through talking story books, mini amphi theatre, sensory based books, child friendly educational toys etc., we offer facilities like nutritious snacks, professionally qualified and experienced staffs, Air conditioned rooms with separate toilets for each classes, pick up and drop facility, Child friendly care takers etc., 2015 - 16 -> Admissions open for LKG, UKG, Playgroup and Nursery For details Call us on 04426563489, 8056215564 and 9003189710

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Contact information
First name: Radhakrishnan
Last name: T.V
Phone number: 08056215564
Mobile number: 08056215564
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